Terms of sale

The present general conditions of sale (the "General Conditions") govern the terms and conditions of sale of the products marketed by Dreaming my Homedi Michele Michielotto, hereinafter Dreaming my Home. All contracts for the sale of Products by Dreaming my Hometo third parties are governed by these General Conditions, which form an integral and substantial part of every proposal, order and confirmation of purchase order of the Products themselves. The terms and conditions of sale applicable to the order are those in effect on the date of the order.

Unless otherwise indicated, prices of Products published byDreaming my Home shall be deemed to include VAT. The prices of the Products from time to time published by Dreaming my Homeannul and replace the previous ones and are subject to the actual availability of the Products. Dreaming my Homreserves the right to confirm, i.e. to change the prices of Products published on its website or in information brochures and advertising materials, at the time of confirmation of the Customer's order. The prices published on the website may differ from the prices of the same products at Dreaming my Home stores, as they refer to limited stocks and dedicated exclusively to the e-commerce channel

The technical and functional characteristics relating to the Products published by Dreaming my Homethrough its own promotional messages and information brochures are those communicated by the respective manufacturers. Dreaming my Homenon assumes no responsibilityà regarding the truthfulnessà and completeness of such information. Product images are indicative and not binding.

Products are not provided on a trial basis. Although the operators of Dreaming my Homemay provide indications on the characteristics of the Products, the Customer è is responsible for the choice of the products ordered and for the compliance and conformity; of the specifications indicated by each manufacturer to its needs.

All purchase orders for products transmitted to Dreaming my Homesmust be complete in all their parts and must contain all the elements necessary for the correct identification of the ordered Products. Each product order transmitted to Dreaming my Homeconstitutes a contractual proposal from the Customer and, therefore, will beà binding for Dreaming my Homesonly if confirmed by the same for acceptance. The execution of the order by Dreaming my Homeequivalent to confirmation and acceptance thereof.

Dreaming my Homreserves the right to cancel orders placed and unpaid after 10 days from the date of the order. In the event of non-execution of the order by Dreaming my Home(if the same is due to unavailability of the Products ordered by the Customer), Dreaming my Home will provideà as soon as possible to inform the Customer, refunding any sums already paid by the latter in respect of the unfulfilled supply. In this case, the Customer will not haveà the right to any reimbursement né indemnity or compensation of any kind.

The tax documentation relating to the Products ordered will be issued byDreaming my Home when the Products are shipped to the Customer. If the Customer has a VAT number and wishes to receive an invoice in his/her own name, he/she must indicate the invoice header in the order.

The delivery terms indicated by Dreaming my Home in the order confirmation (standard timeframe: 10 working days from the receipt of the order) refer to the Products in its warehouses and, although carefully evaluated, shall not be considered binding for Dreaming my Home, which may subsequently confirm or modify them, depending on its actual needs. Any delays in delivery of less than 30 (thirty) days do not entitle the Customer to refuse delivery of the Products, nor to claim compensation or indemnity of any kind.

Costs for direct shipments to Italy are €6.9 for orders of less than €99 and free of charge for orders of a higher total amount. Shipments to other EU countries and Switzerland are charged EUR 19.90 for orders of any amount. Costs for shipments to countries other than those specified will be estimated before the order is confirmed by the customer.  

Upon delivery of the goods by the courier, the customer shall check

- that the number of packages corresponds to the number indicated on the carrier's delivery note;

- that the packaging is intact, undamaged, or otherwise altered.

The existence of any damage or the mismatch in the number of packages must be immediately contested to the carrier by means of an appropriate annotation on the delivery note: "withdrawal with reserve". It is understood that if no objection is made, the Customer shall accept the goods delivered to him. 

The goods shall travel at the consignee's risk even if sold carriage paid. Transport risks are insured. Any problems concerning the integrity, correspondence or completeness of the products received must be reported within 24 hours of delivery to the e-mail address [email protected].

In the event of failure to collect the material in storage at the courier's warehouses within 5 working days due to the impossibility of delivery to the address indicated by the Customer, the purchase order shall be automatically cancelled. If the Customer expresses the desire to receive the goods again, he will be fully responsible for the shipping costs (those of return due to storage and those of new shipment).

Dreaming my Home has the right to deliver the Products (even related to the same order) in several successive deliveries. Particular terms and conditions of delivery shall be agreed in advance between the Customer and Dreaming my Home and accepted in writing by Dreaming my Home.

Bank Transfer: the customer can make the transfer to Michele Michielotto Bank of support: Banca Generali, IBAN: IT 12V0307501603 CC8000863004, indicating the order number in the reason for payment. To anticipate the shipping time, the customer must send a copy of the bank transfer viamail to [email protected]

Credit Card: credit cards adhering to the Visa, Mastercard circuits can be used; payment is made directly on a secure server, so as to guarantee the absolute security of transactions. Orders paid by credit card are the ones processed the fastest.

PayPal: è you can pay using a personal or corporate PayPal account. Based on your account settings, this may provide the option to access the 3 installment payment formula without interest.

Klarna: for purchases from 35 to 1,000 euros è it is always possible to use your Klarna account and split the payment into 3 interest-free installments. For higher amounts, the possibility of installment payments è subject to the accumulated rating on your Klarna account.

Delivery times are indicated in the shipping tab. Delivery time is from the confirmation of payment and not from the order; delivery is understood as the date of departure from our warehouses and not the date of arrival.

According to D. Lgsl. 206/2005, the Customer (if it qualifies as "consumer" pursuant to art.1 lett b) of D. Lgsl. 206/2005) has the right to terminate the contract and return the Products ordered, without any penaltyà and without specifying the reason, within the term of 14 (fourteen) days from receipt of the Products. This right canò be exercised only by consumers, therefore all purchases made for purposes not unrelated to the business or professional activity, i.e. where a VAT reference is entered in the order form, do not enjoy this right as the good is used as a business tool.

The right of withdrawal referred to in Article 6.1 above must be exercised by the Customer, under penalty of forfeiture, by sending a registered letter to Dreaming my Home, vicolo Terziario, 6– 46100 Mantova, within the term of 14 (fourteen) days from receipt of the Products. The above notice mayò also be sent by PEC to the [email protected].

All returns (which must be perfectly intact and accompanied by the original packaging) must be authorized by the Customer Service Dreaming my Homewhich will issue a return authorization number (RMA). This number will be sent only and exclusively in electronic format to the customer via email to the address that è been indicated when ordering.

Dreaming my Home will not beà responsible for the non-receipt of emails in case of incorrect or non-functioning addresses; the Customer canà return the Product to the following address: Dreaming my Home vicolo Terziario 6 – 46100 Mantova. No cash on delivery parcels will be accepted. Packages without authorization (RMA) will not be accepted. The return must be made no later than 14days from the communication of the RMA number otherwise the return is refused. The goods travel at the sender's expense and risk.

On receipt of the Products (and verified their integrity;) Dreaming my Home will provideà, as soon as possible (within a maximum of 14days), to credit the Customer the cost of the returned Products (as indicated on the invoice), retaining, where necessary, the amount of shipping costs plusù the handling fees that will remain definitively borne by the Customer.

Any special offers promoted by Dreaming my Homesare valid while stocks last and, in any case, are subject to the actual availability of the relevant products under Dreaming my Home. The special offers proposed by Dreaming my Homenon are cumulative. Products on special offer may be in promotional packages.

Dreaming my Home guarantees only the material integrity of the products at the time of delivery (hereinafter, the "Dreaming my Home Warranty" Any defects covered by the Dreaming my Home Warranty must be reported by the Customer, under penalty of forfeiture, no later than 2 (two) days from the date of delivery. In case of operativityà of the Dreaming my Home Warranty, the Customer will be entitled only to the replacement of the damaged Products upon return of the same, being excluded the right of the Customer to compensation for any damage, even further. The shipping costs necessary for the replacement of Products shall be borne by the Customer. Upon delivery of the package, the customer must check the integrity of the package; if the tape è well attached to the package, the customer may accept but è always better to withdraw with reserve. If by chance the package arrives with correct packaging but the product inside is broken during transport, the customer must notify us within a maximum of 2 days of receiving the package otherwise the responsibility will be all of the recipient. Upon receipt of the notice that the product is è broken during transportation Dreaming my Home will open a complaint procedure to the courier and arrange for the replacement of the product to the customer.

The replacement procedure è that of RMA (see section 6.3)

Without prejudice to cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence of Dreaming my Home, è as of now agreed that, should it be established that Dreaming my Home is responsible for any reason to the Customer - including the case of the'breach, in whole or in part, of the obligations assumed by Dreaming my Home towards the Customer as a result of the execution of an order - the liability of Dreaming my Home shall not exceed the price of the Products purchased by the Customer and for which the dispute arose.

Manufacturer's Warranty (Where è specified that the warranty è of the manufacturer): The customer should contact the service center directly, of course he/she will always have all our help to get the best attention.

Without prejudice to the possible applicability of mandatory provisions of the law for the protection of consumers (as defined pursuant to art.1 lett b) of Legislative Decree 22 May 1999 n. 185), any dispute in any way related to these General Conditions, will be devolved to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Mantua. Pursuant to and for the purposes of Articles 1341 and 1342 of the Civil Code, the Customer declares to have carefully read and understood and specifically accept all the clauses of the General Conditions of Sale Dreaming my Home.

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